9 Services 9 Developmental Services for Children 9 Clinical Specialized Services

Clinical Specialized Services

Clinical Specialized Services for Children provides skill development and interventions based upon Applied Behaviour Analysis principle through a multidisciplinary team approach under the supervision of our Psychologist.

Our services work to address various concerns including social skills building, independent self-help skills, sleep problems, aggression and defiance using positive applied behaviour analysis techniques.  Our goal is to build the parent/child relationship and provide tools to parents in a positive framework.

A variety of Clinical Specialized Services are available:

Psychological Assessments

Provided to children for diagnosis of an intellectual/developmental disability.  The psychological assessment also determines the level of functioning while identifying the areas of strengths and weaknesses in the following domains:  socialization, communication, daily living skills and motor skills.

Supportive Counselling and Psychotherapy Services

Provided to children and families to assist them with their individual needs by providing supports and coping strategies (i.e. anger management, grief management, abuse, family, etc.).

Behavioural Consultations

Provided to family/caregivers to assist them in developing parenting strategies for their child with special needs.  A Behavioural Plan can be developed based on individual needs.


The child must meet the following criteria to be eligible for Clinical Specialized Services:

  • For children 0-18 with an intellectual/developmental disability.
  • For children 0-school age entry whose development may be affected by psychosocial or environmental factors if those factors are combined with other developmental concerns posing a risk for an intellectual/developmental disability.

* Children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder must also have an intellectual disability diagnosis to qualify for Clinical Specialized Services.

Referral Process:

If your child meets the above criteria, please fill out one of the following two referral forms:

When submitting your referral form, please attach any of the following documents:

  • Psychological assessment
  • Hospital and/or physician reports
  • School reports
  • Two (2) documents with proof of address

Please send your referral form and attachments by email to intake@inspire-sdg.ca or by fax to 613-937-4550.

Referrals can also be made by a Case Manager.

If you have any questions regarding the referral process, please call 613-937-3072 extension 233 or email intake@inspire-sdg.ca

Cost:  Free

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